Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 3 Lesson Learned

There are three approach to automate business processes:

  1. Keep legacy:
  2. Best of breed solutions
  3. ERP
  4. In house development

What should be the time for doing a Gap Analysis? First we should make a SWOT analysis for the current situation without defining a specific solution. After that should make gap analysis for different solutions.

There is an order to make an implementation:

  1. Workshop to learn different solutions
  2. Curent State SWOT
  3. Requirement Anlaysis SWOT
  4. Options (ERP solutions)
    1. Sales guys comes and make presentations
    2. Internet search
    3. Other companies that implemented
    4. Ask creative questions
      1. Is there any enough consultants
      2. Is there any other fee
      3. Does it do this...
      4. Do I need to make customization
There are some good and bad sides of Best of breed solutions
  1. It may be cheaper or expensive than a single solution
  2. Finding consultants that knows the two sides of the integration points is difficult
  3. Upgrades of one of them may require upgrade of the integration implementations.

We can understand that if the company did its homework or not, when we look at the documentation that defines the business processes.

Implementing a system is not important if it is not used properly. In a CRM solution implementation, sales people do not want to enter their sales data to the system.

  • Sales people do not want to share
  • Sales people use personal relations
  • Entering sales data to the system is not easy, since it is not a formatted data.
Organizational Change Management

-Why is OCM first perceived as the “Soft Stuff” and why does it always finish as the “Hard Stuff”

  • Coomunication and getting commitment is important

  • “OCM”

  • because changing individual behaviours and changing company culture is first perceived as soft

  • This is a software project we can deal with human problems.

Welch allyn Company overview, diagnostic and medical devices, patient monitoring sytems,

Implemented nearly all SAP modules

There are 5 different initiatives of OCM:Training, Business Process Procedures,
Super user development, Communications, Security rules

What is company culture?

-values,beahviours, beliefs and norms

-behaviours of employees

-company or department leadership sets the overall tone


Training has several elements

--Core team training, to understand the capabilities of the syste

--management seminar

--End user training

--Training needs analysis(ho many people do we have, how many will take this course...)

--Develop course contents(

Deliver training courses(make exams, give certificates)

-After training practice before go live

elements of Communication plan:What is happening with the project giving information to stakeholder

--what is content

--who is the audience

--who will deliver

--caos, insecurity, anxiety, fear

Security/Role Development

-You cannot give permission to see/change everything

-How can you define the roles

Sales&Marketing Mfg

1)Sales 1)Production


--talk key managers

-- do they need other modules 2)Forecasting

2)Cust. Service Rep.


Super user development

develop super user organiztion, look for people who are natural leaders or change agents- target 10% of users

Organize Super User workshops – seek their help to improve SAP.

super userlara bonus verenler var. Boyle birsey verilemiyorsa yemektir falan ayarlanabilir.

Business Process Procedures

-Strategy and tactics to capture document and control business procedures

-What docs to control&store, where and how to control &store

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