Friday, December 17, 2004

Message from Cheng-Jay and Reply

There is an abundance of research on ERP success. Mainly the titles or the document bodies include "ERP success factors, ERP risk factors" etc. so you can use those as keywords. I used to use ERP success as keywords to find these. Once you find a good research article, you can look at the references of that article to find more articles.

Some good researchers you will run into are Lyman Markus, Dianne Strong, Olga Volkoff, etc.

Also look at AIS conferences such as AMCIS, ICIS, etc. AMCIS had an Enterprise Resource Planning track a few years back. Now it has a Enterprise Systems track/sig.
So you can look at the conference proceedings to read them. When you become AIS member, you can get the conference proceedings online for free.

Let me know if this helps. I will try to send you some articles soon but keep on doing searches on the databases. make sure you use the right databases. I use proquest a lot. Also google has a new scholarly search engine:

Yeliz. (

ChengJay said...

Dear Eseryel :

I'm a postgraduate student of NCU in Taiwann.
Researching in ERP systems performance
evaluation is undergoing. But now, I have some
problem in finding the research about the ERPs
success model and performance measurement.Most
of such researchs are hard to find in the
database from many journals. Can you do me some
favor? Or, You can give some advice about doing
ERP performance research.

I glad to visit your blog site and have chance
to make qcquaintance with you. By the way, I had
try to contact with you by the email you put on
your blog. For some reason, the email can not be
delivered successfully.

Maybe you can contact with my through email of
mine. My email address:

Best regard!!

Cheng-Jay Wu
Department of Information Management
National Central University

Friday, December 10, 2004

Qualitative Research Resources (Click here)

Has a blurb on validity and reliability of qualitative research too.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Repertory Grid Technique

Alban-Metcalf, R. J. (1997). Repertory Grid Technique. Educational Research, Methodology, and Measurement: An International Handbook. J. P. Keeves. New York, USA, Pergamon: 315-318.

It is a reserach methodology, an approach to understand how people view the world. The idea is that people identify each element with a finite number of constructs and for each construct they have two poles in their mind.. Three steps are presented:
1) Identify the constructs individuals use
2) Understand how these constructs are utilized
3) Understand the interrelationships between the constructs

1) Interviews (show them 3 elements at a time and have the interviewees identify the differences among them
2) Interviewee can show all elements at once and ask for constructs (showing them on a grid)
3) Ask for written or oral free descriptions of each elements in third person. For example "self-characterization" grids.

Laddering up/ laddering down and pyramid construction are ways of coming up with repertory grids.

Dynamic grids (longitudinal for example) or static grids are two types of grids.

See Fansella & Bannister's 1977 book for more info.

It seems like it can help me come up with the behaviors or constructs related to successful project managers.

Links for Inductive Reasoning (Inductive Logic)

Wikipedia Entry
Another source that list fallacies of Inductive Reasoning

Saturday, December 04, 2004


Okay, I've been telling people that I am really interested in sharing this blog.
I think the people who would like to share it should be actively thinking and researching on Enterprise Systems or Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.

I would like to use this blog to reflect on research related thoughts, and also share our latest readings, conferences, resources, etc.

I found that writing my thinking process helps me reflect and think better, as I am writing, I think of new ideas. Also I have tons of ideas and I sometimes forget about my though process or what my questions were. Then I can come back to this blog and look.

The other thing I would like to do here is to use this place to create an annotated bibliography or critically evalute the readings here.

I believe sharing this blog with each other will help us keep doing more reflective thinking. And also we will give each other feedback and ideas and motivate each other.

So if you're interested, just let me know :)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Feedback I got on My Research Project

· SELECTION: Why 3 companies? Why manufacturing companies, etc.?
· Found a mismatch between using grounded theory approach and having a framework (although it isn't something that's not impossible this idea needs to be defended since it will be questioned!!!)
· My question is related to competencies of the project managers but my framework is project management competency areas. Thus the level of granularity isn't the same.
· Can I improve the theoretical framework or find a better one?
· I need to explain why Project Management for ERP is different than other types of projects. Actually Bob asked me how is it different from NASA projects. I said it is different due to the organizational change management aspect, however there is still a lot to learn and borrow from NASA type really complex projects. (Maybe the question is "Is PM for ERP really different than other projects? I am sure there are some projects out there that has similar PM requirements)
· Phases-- How do you know which phase the company is in? The boundaries of the phases aren't clear.
· Somebody suggested the Repertory Grid Technique as a research methodology. These are used in system's analysis. (Keeves' book has an article on the methodology by Alban-Metcalf)
· Interviews with other people in the company. Team lead, internal customers of the PM, IS, business department, etc
· Why are you interested in self-reported competencies?
· Why don't you use open ended surveys?
· Inductive reasoning.