Friday, July 23, 2010

BilkentMBA2010, Thought Byte, Cemil Kanat Sarısoy

We want to establish an ERP system, we have 10 modules that want to be formed, and we have 4 places that are in Ankara, in İstanbul, in Azerbejan and in Russia. According to my way of thinking, firstly, the company should start applying the system from the main places in Ankara and in İstanbul with the help of a careful, informative and controlled manner. But, all modules in case should be applied at the same time in terms of combining and dealing with different departments. Then, the departments will get used to comprehend the system while integrating with works and each other. Thus, modules can improve equally, timely, comparably and apparently. On the other hand, there can be some correlation and time usage problems in the company and it means complexity and "out of control". That is, processes rearrangement as to the new ERP system can be easier, more useful and more reasonable in terms of feasibility.

After catching durability with the system in Ankara and in İstanbul, and if the results' efficiency and effectiveness make sense in short-term and it seems hopeful and returnable in the long-term, the company must think about bringing the ERP system in Azerbejan and in Russia also.

It will be very useful to point out that there are some hidden parameters exist for whole subject.. For example, are the operation styles similar in Russia and in Azerbejan according to Turkey? How training and implementation will be supplied in different cultures? How is the perspective to the change in Turkey, in Russia and in Azerbejan? Do the company really need an ERP system or does it really need an ERP system in foreign country? and does it really need all the modules? In fact, how is the works in Ankara and in İstanbul? which is the center? do they similar?

In conclusion, I made my comments according to my "imaginative company" standards. I imagine some companies such as Borusan and Efes Pilsen.. Then my ideas based on those at the first paragraph. In other circumstances, a company should masterly answer the questions that I asked in the second paragraph. Yes, ERP is an excellent technology. It provides you an integrated and complete way of working atmosphere efficiently, but if you decide its size, its cost, its necessities and its application techniques perfectly, appropriately and timely.

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