Thursday, November 25, 2004

Literature Review

I am going through Gina Boff's dissertation called "Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning System: What Differentiates the Corporations that Make it From Those That Do Not". The good thing is she made me aware of the Special Issue on: Critical Analyses of ERP Systems in the The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems journal by D. Howcroft and D. Truex. The interesting issue is that she based her lit review on this special issue and a few other articles. She even said something along the lines of "This special issue doesn't cover ERP implementation, thus there's a gap in the literature on Implementation issues."

Wow, I don't know what else to say now. There's so much stuff out there about implementation issues, it's hard to miss.

She has a stronger methodology section though. I will keep on reading. But now I don't know what to believe and what not to believe among the things she said.

She said that qualitative researchers use wide variety of interpretative practices to get better understanding of the subject matter (Denzin and Lincoln, 2000) This more traditional, multi-method approach in qualitative inquiry is what is commonly referred to as Triangulation.

I thought Triangulation was something along the ways of using other resources or means to check your conclusion. I think it might be a method, it might be using literature, etc.

I asked this question to Kevin, here's his response:
"Yes, using multiple sources of evidence as a check on each other. It could be different data sources, but also different research approaches. Most people would restrict it to empirical evidence though, so not literature."

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